Volunteer Update Form

2024 Volunteer Update

Thank You For Updating Your Volunteer Interests!

These questions are designed to help us identify specific volunteer opportunities that will best fit with your interests, skills, and availability. Please provide as much information as possible.
Depending on the number of volunteer categories you select, this form will typically take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.

Contact Information

Preferred Pronouns
This information can help us better match you with volunteer opportunities based on location.
This information can help us better match you with volunteer opportunities based on location.

Please List Any Phone Numbers / Email Addresses Where We May Contact You:


Do you have a valid driver's license and auto insurance?
Some activities require volunteers to have a valid driver's license and insurance, while some volunteer activities may not.
If no, do you have available transportation to volunteer activities, such as events?
You may still be able to help with some volunteer activities, even if your answer is no.

Emergency Contact Information

Volunteer Opportunities Available. (Please Select All of Interest to You)

To help us better match you with available opportunities, please tell us about your interests, skills, experience, and availability. Please select all of interest to you. Refer to Volunteer Opportunities for more details about each of these.
Volunteer Opportunities
Administrative Tasks
Marketing & Graphics
Communications & Outreach
Handyman / Manual Labor
If not, are these skills you would like to develop?
Are you a Veterinarian or Vet Tech?
I am a:


When are you available to volunteer? (check all that apply)

Fostering Cats or Kittens

Tell Us About Your Areas of Interest or Experience
Have you had any experience fostering?
Which of the following do you currently have?
Are you able to transport your fosters to needed veterinary and vaccine clinic appointments?


Do you have your own trap?
Have you ever used a drop trap?
When are you available to trap?

Safety Guidelines: Please Read and type "Yes" to Confirm Your Agreement

Waiver of Liability and Agreement: Please Read and Initial Your Understanding and Agreement


In signing this waiver, I acknowledge that feral cats are wild animals and can be unpredictable in their behavior. They are capable of inflicting serious bodily injury. I am willing to assume this risk to participate in Trap-Neuter-Return and/or cat rescue projects on behalf of Feral Affairs Network.